Heat Ledger — Demetrius Beckham

Demetrius Beckham (Heat Ledger) is a person who lives in LA and longs for the world. His adolescent love for movies, music and magic convinced him that a career in the arts was the only way forward. His years spent in NYC studying film and business taught him the craft and its practicalities. His series of roles across entertainment, contemporary art, fashion, design, sports, consumer goods, and branded content, reminded him that no one really knows anything. And yet, the collection of projects on display here might just make it look like he does.
Demetrius views this site as a place where he exists, or existed. It’s a digital footprint. A collection of output that amounts to whatever the viewer, listener or reader deems as such. A paper trail that leads to a pocket of honesty and clarity in an otherwise deceptive and noisy world wide web. It will live on far beyond any physical body. When all is said and done, he hopes this site serves as a solid attempt.
Contact - db@worldwideheat.net